Affiliate Partnerships

We welcome partners who would like to earn money by promoting Oxynger Technologies products on their websites. We provide comprehensive support for all our partners and offer very attractive commission rates.

Become An Affiliate Partner

Benefits of Being an Oxynger Affiliate

Great Conversion Rates

High conversion rates in the Oxynger store mean you get the most out of the traffic you drive.

90-day Referral Period

Our 90-day referral period offers an ample conversion window.

Earn High Commission

Receive 50% commission on every sale attributed to your affiliate link.

How to become an Oxynger Affiliate

Sign up

Get started by joining the Oxynger Affiliate Network on Impact.

Create your unique URL

You can create a unique attribution URL to use in your marketing content.

Earn commission!

For every sale attributed to your affiliate URL you will earn commission.